Monday, March 10, 2025


Hội Người Việt Calgary

#203, 1829, 54 St. SE. Calgary AB. T2B 1N5
Tel: (403) 272-4668 - Fax: (403) 207-4633
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: hoi nguoi viet Calgary

Calgary (October 2nd, 2020)

Re: Chosen Artist for the Journey To Freedom Park and Vietnamese Boat People Monument Project

Dear Friends, Colleagues, Community and Associations,

Through a Calling to Artist process, our Park and Vietnamese Boat People Monument Committee is very pleased to congratulate Mr. T.B. Tran as the successful candidate to design and create a monument which can express our three requirements: 1) to commemorate the journey of the Vietnamese Boat People to Canada; 2) to demonstrate the success of new Vietnamese generations; and 3) to honour the humanity and compassion of Canadians who were part of this history. The location for this important monument will be on display at the entrance to the International Avenue (the corner of 17th Avenue SE and 26th Street S.E.). The location will highlight Mr. Tran’s artistry as well as the stunning backdrop of the Canadian Rocky Mountains and Calgary’s city skylights.

Mr. Tran has many years of experience in visual arts, which includes sculpturing. He has completed numerous commissions in Canada and the United States. Mr. Tran is honoured and excited to accept this opportunity as it has been a long-held dream of his to create a monument that commemorates the Vietnamese Boat People’s history. Mr. Tran will collaborate with Stantec and FLC Construction Inc. to amalgamate the monument into the overall design intent of the park space.

We are confident that this collaboration, along with the supports from our friends, colleagues, community, and associations will ensure a successful project for all Calgarians, visitors and next generations of youth to enjoy.

Best regards,

David Tran, PhD., P.Eng.; Chair of the Board of the Calgary Vietnamese Canadian Association; Co-chair of the Park and Vietnamese Boat People Monument Project
Mr. Hai Bui; President of Calgary Vietnamese Canadian Association
Mr. Hieu Tran; President of the Calgary Vietnamese Veterans Immigrants Aids Association
Ms. Tuyet Lam; President of Parent Council of the Calgary Vietnamese School Association; Co-chair of the Park and Vietnamese Boat People Monument Project
Dr. Do Truong; Advisor of the Calgary Vietnamese Veterans Immigrants Aids Association
Dr. Kim Lam Truong; Advisor of the Calgary Vietnamese Canadian Association