Sunday, March 9, 2025


Vietnamese Boat People Monument Project

Budget: $400,000 CAD (Maximum, all inclusive)

Deadline: 4:30 pm MST, Friday, July 10, 2020


The Boat People Monument Committee of the Calgary Vietnamese Canadian Association is seeking a Vietnamese Canadian artist to design and fabricate a monument to commemorate the journey of the Vietnamese Boat People to Canada, celebrate the success of new Vietnamese for generations to come and honour the humanity and compassion of Canadians who were part of this history. Working with the project team, the artist will lead the development of the monument to meet the goals and objectives for the project. The monument must be durable, safe and be able to withstand harsh winter climate such as frequent freeze and thaw cycles, UV, corrosion, vandalism, and wind, to minimize future maintenance and conform to applicable design standards and codes.


The budget for the monument is $400, 000 CND and includes all artist’s and artist’s team fees, any and all associated expenses for design, fabrication, shipping, insurance, site preparation and installation costs.

Disbursements will be made throughout the project as per a negotiated schedule of deliverables.


Referred to as “boat people” because many made the journey on over-crowded boats across the South China Sea, it is estimated that 1.5 million people fled Vietnam as an outcome of the Vietnam War. They endured storms, starvation and pirates along the way. Some were rescued by passing ships while others found temporary respite in refugee camps in Southeast Asia such as Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia or the Philippines but approximately 1/3 died at sea. From these refugee camps, most were resettled in the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. However, some lingered for decades or died in the refugee camps and others had to return to Vietnam.

According to the 2016 census, Canada has 240,516 people who identify as ethnically Vietnamese. Calgary has the 4th largest Vietnamese population with 21,010 and there are about 1000 South Vietnamese veterans living in Calgary today.

Today, Vietnamese people are represented in politics, sports, as well as cultural arts and sciences. Some samples include: Senator Thanh Hai Ngo, the first Vietnamese person appointed to Senate; Olympic medal wrestler, Carol Huynh and Dr. Hieu Cong Truong, the first Vietnamese Canadian appointed to the Order of Canada and the namesake of the Royal Canadian Mint’s Hieu C. Truong Centre of Excellence for Research and Development.


The Calgary area, where the Bow and Elbow rivers meet, is a place of confluence where the sharing of ideas and opportunities naturally come together.

Long before the Scottish settlers named this place Calgary, the Indigenous peoples have their own names for this area : Otos-kwunee by the Métis, Moh-kins-tsis in Blackfoot language, Wîchîspa Oyade by the Stoney Nakoda Nation or Guts-ists-i by the Tsuut’ina nation.

We wish to acknowledge that this project will be located on the traditional territories of the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta which include the Blackfoot Confederacy; the Îethka Nakoda Wîcastabi First Nations and the Tsuut’ina First Nation. Also, the city of Calgary is the homeland of the historic Northwest Métis and Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3, we would like to recognize the presence of all Indigenous urban Calgarians, First Nations, Inuit, and Métis.

PROJECT LOCATION- International Avenue

The location for this important monument will be situated at the entrance to International Avenue (17th Avenue SE and 26 Street) with a stunning view of both the mountains and downtown. International Avenue is a vibrant business district located on 17 Avenue S.E from 26 to 61 Streets. Over 425 businesses operate within this bustling area, including restaurants and grocery stores featuring cuisine from around the world, and a wide range of other goods and services.

International Avenue has become known as a cultural and culinary capital in Calgary, boasting some of the most authentic and charming restaurants in the city and a lively and continually growing arts, cultural and entertainment scene. The neighbourhoods surrounding International Avenue include Radisson Heights, Southview, Dover, Forest Lawn, Erin Woods Penbrooke Meadows and Applewood. The Vietnamese community is an integral part central to all the above communities.

International Avenue recently underwent a complete transformation with the integration of a multi-modal boulevard and transit infrastructure. It is an award winner and recently won an urban design award for the Area Redevelopment Plan and has been recognized for its successful integration of transit within the community.

photo credit: International Avenue BRZ


The project site, as identified as “Journey to Freedom Park” has an approximate size of 1100m2 and is located on City of Calgary land. The site is located along an escarpment slope with exceptional views of the Bow River Valley, downtown Calgary and the Rocky Mountains. The site is bound by a recreational pathway, a transportation corridor (17th Ave) and a utility corridor (refer to attached PDF). The general site area has been recently disturbed due to construction of the transportation corridor and upgrades to the recreational pathway. The existing vegetation adjacent to and within the site is limited to grass cover, limited old growth trees and new mixed planting beds of native shrubs and trees to the Calgary region.

The Vietnamese Boat People Monument Committee is developing this site to create a space of reflection and to commemorate the significance of the “boat people’s” journey. The Vietnamese Boat People Monument Committee has retained a local design firm to develop Journey to Freedom Park and the artist is to work in collaboration with the landscape architect and lead the development and placement of the monument. Key narratives behind the concept of the park include journey and procession, remembrance and gratitude, celebration and community, experience and inclusiveness. Design interventions on site aim to create an emotional and sensory experience, to communicate the struggle and peril of the event for both the destination and casual users of the park space. These design elements include a heritage gateway incorporating Vietnamese and Canadian values, areas of reflection through formal and informal seating, knowledge walls to acknowledge the history and significance of the event, in hand with identification of refugees and donors to the memorial site. The text of the Journey to Freedom Act and a replica of the United Nations Nanson medal will be incorporated into the site through touch pedestals or similar.

Lighting will be an important site feature, providing both theatrical and safety lighting on site. Focus will be on the use of local and natural materials in each component of the site elements. Sightline considerations is also important for site inclusiveness and safety. The formal monument is to be incorporated into the site design and is to be complementary to the overall design intent of the memorial park space.


The artist will be selected through a two-stage jury process. Stage one will be to short-list based on qualifications, and stage two will include the development and presentation of proposals.

Stage 1 – Shortlisting

The selection panel will shortlist 3 applicants based on their qualifications and past experience.

Stage 2 – Concept Proposals

Shortlisted artists or artist teams will be invited to present concept proposals to the selection panel. An honorarium of $5000 CAD will be paid only for those proposals requested for stage two. In addition a negotiable amount will be paid for travel and accommodation for the site visit and proposal presentation for out-of-town artists.

The selected artist will be required to sign a contract detailing scope, fees and responsibilities.

The artist’s scope of work will include all stages of the development and installation of the artwork from conception to completion, including detailed design development, fabrication, and installation. The artist will work with the design consultant and project team to integrate the artwork within the larger project and ensure all design, safety and construction requirements are met.


The deadline to submit an application is July 10, 2020 (Design concepts are NOT required at this stage).

Submissions are accepted in electronic form only. Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted, no extensions will be granted.

This opportunity is open to local and national artists of all disciplines. Individual artists or artist teams/collectives may apply.

1. Letter of Interest (Max 1 page)

The Letter of Interest must outline why you are interested in this project. Include your background, qualifications and relevant experience. Include your experience working within set budget and schedules. This is an opportunity for us to understand your interest and past work at this stage, please do not submit a proposal.

2. Curriculum Vitae (Max 2 pages)

Include current contact information including e-mail address, telephone number and mailing address.

3. References

Provide a minimum of two professional references and include their name, address, e-mail and telephone number.

4. Images (Max 10)

Provide examples of installed works of similar size and scope. Images must be included in your single PDF document as a slide show and be compatible with PC. Please include an annotated image list.

To Submit:

Please email The Boat People Monument Committee, Calgary Vietnamese Canadian Association:

To: [email protected]
Cc: David Tran [email protected], Tuyet Lam [email protected]

Please use the following subject line: Boat People Monument. The submission package must be less than 10 MB in total. Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered.

Questions or Clarification to: Tuyet Lam 403-998-6185 or Dr. David Tran 403-607-5605.

Stage 1 Selection Criteria

All eligible submissions are reviewed by a selection panel who will assess the artist or artist teams based on how their submissions meet the following evaluation criteria (rated out of a possible total 100 points):

A. Letter of interest: 50 points

  • Why this opportunity appeals to the artist: 10 points
  • How the artist’s background and practice will contribute to this project: 20 points
  • Knowledge of or connection to the Vietnamese community and history: 20 points

B. Resume or Curriculum Vitae / Images: 50 points

  • Demonstrated, relevant experience in completing public art projects with equivalent budgets: 25 points
  • Demonstrated artistic excellence: 25 points


The anticipated schedule for selection of the Artist(s) and completion of the project is outlined below. As the project progresses the dates are subject to change:

Submission Deadline: July 10, 2020
Shortlisted Artists Selected: July 24, 2020
Concept Proposals: September 11, 2020
Artist Selection: September 25, 2020
Detailed Design phase: October 2020 – March 2021
Fabrication Starts: April 2021
Installation Completion: March 2022
Project Completion: April 2022