Sunday, March 9, 2025


Dec 8, 2021

Calgary, December 20, 2021

Dear Sponsors, Donors and Supporters,

The “Giving Tuesday Week” fundraising campaign (Nov 30 – Dec 07, 2021) for the Journey to Freedom Park (JTFP) was a huge success, surpassing +200% of the planned target. The subtotal donation from the Community at large was $255,162. Matching Fund sponsorship was rounded up to $260,000. Total fundraising for the Giving Tuesday event is $515,162. JTFP Organizing Committee wishes to express its sincere thanks and gratitude for your understanding, commitment, resilience and generosity.

Your donation plays a major role in moving the JTFP project in Calgary forward in order to thank Canada and the World for extending their humanity and compassion toward the Vietnamese Boat People and Refugees during their courageous & tragic journey to freedom.

Please find attached our GIVING TUESDAY summary report.

Again, many thanks for your generosity & support!

JTFP Organizing Committee

Letter from the Committee

Memorial Wall Form

Sponsorship and Donation Form

Dear our community members,

Day after day on International Avenue, perhaps you have noticed the banners hung from the pillars, flying in the wind amidst the lampposts scattered along this bustling street?

For the locals, the beautiful images on these banners appear to be additional decorations for the avenue, but for our Vietnamese community in Calgary, these also serve to express our gratitude. Gratitude to our ancestors, to our roots, and to all of Canada. Working together with the local community, we have been blessed with many opportunities to contribute to the cultural, economic, and social development of Calgary and the country at large.

Our community’s efforts have been recognized by the Executive Director of the International Avenue BRZ and demonstrated by allowing us to hang these banners along International Ave around Little SaiGon Mall. The banners introduce to everyone the advent of the Journey to Freedom Park and Boat People Monument project. The project’s ground-breaking ceremony is scheduled for early spring 2021 and its completion for early spring 2022.

Calgay Park & Monument Committee